A man holding a phone and pressing the button to start a robot vacuum

7 Gadgets to Improve the Quality of Your Life

Technology has come a long way in recent years. There are now gadgets that can do everything from cleaning your house to keeping you healthy. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 10 gadgets that can improve the quality of your life.

1. Robot Vacuum

If you hate vacuuming, then the robot vacuum is for you. This little gadget will clean your floors for you while you sit back and relax. It is especially great for people with allergies because it can help to reduce the amount of dust and pollen in your home.

The robot vacuum is a great gadget to have in your home, but it does have some downsides. For one, they can be quite expensive. They can also be quite loud, which may not be ideal if you have small children or pets that are afraid of loud noises. Additionally, they can sometimes get stuck in tight spaces or corners, which can be frustrating. There are even hilarious and horrific stories of them spreading fecal matter inside the home after a pet defecated in their way.

Despite these downsides, having a robot vacuum take off a lot of burden from your mental load and your daily chores. Here are some of the most popular robot vacuums:

  • Roomba 980
  • Neato BotVac Connected
  • Dyson 360 Eye
  • Samsung POWERbot Turbo VR9350

2. AI Assistants

AI assistants are voice-activated assistants that are capable of doing a lot of things. They can answer questions, help you with your calendar, provide news and weather updates, play music and podcasts. You can also use them to control other smart devices in your home, such as lights and thermostats. AI assistants are perfect for busy professionals who want to be able to multi-task while they’re getting things done around the house.

Some of the most popular AI assistants include the Amazon Echo, the Google Home, and the Apple HomePod. All three of these assistants can do a lot of different things, so it’s important to do your research before you decide which one is right for you. The Apple HomePod is great if you have an iPhone and Apple computers, while the Google Home and the Amazon Echo are more versatile and are compatible with other products.

3. Smart Lights

Smart lights are another great way to make your life easier. These smart lights can be controlled with your voice or your smartphone. You can use them to set the mood in your home, or even wake up gradually in the morning with a sunrise simulation feature. They are also energy-efficient because you can set them to turn off at specific times or even while you are out of the house, so they’ll save you money on your electric bill in the long run. Here re the most popular smart lights in the market:

  • Philips Hue
  • Cree Connected LED Bulb
  • Sylvania Smart+ A19 LED light bulb
  • GE Lighting C by GE Sol

4. Smart Thermostat

The Nest thermostat is a great way to save money on your energy bill. This smart thermostat learns your temperature preferences and then sets itself accordingly. It also has an auto-away feature that turns itself off when you’re not home, so you’re not wasting energy when no one is around to enjoy it. It integrates with AI Assistants, too! The most popular smart thermostat nowadays is the Google Nest Thermostat, but other options include:

  • Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium
  • Amazon Smart Thermostat
  • Honeywell Home T9

A homeowner using a smart home remote control tablet to control lighting, temperature, and ambiance

5. Robot Mop

If you already have a robot vacuum, how about taking it one step further and getting a robot mop?

A robot mop is a device that automates the process of mopping floors. It typically consists of a flat base with wheels that allows it to move around, as well as a cloth or brush that scrubs the floor. Some robot mops also come with a water reservoir so that they can dispense water as they clean.

Robot mops are a great way to keep your floors clean without having to do the work yourself. They are especially useful for people who have allergies or pets, as they can help to reduce the amount of dust and pet hair in your home. The best part is, most models support scheduling and can integrate with AI assistants, so if you have a robot vacuum, too, you can keep your floors spick and span without issues. Some issues can even do both, so make sure you do a bit of research before buying to avoid redundancy.

The most popular robot mops in the market are:

  • Bissell Spinwave 2-in-1 Wet Mop & Dry Robot Vacuum
  • Ecovacs Deebot X1 OMNI

6. Home Water Softeners

Here’s something a bit different from all the other robotic and AI-equipped gadgets on this list. A home water softener increases your quality of life in a great but not very obvious way.

Home water softeners are devices that are used to soften the water that comes into your home. This is beneficial because it can help to reduce the amount of minerals and sediments that are in your water. This, in turn, can help to improve the taste of your water and also decrease the amount of scale that builds up on your faucets, dishes, and appliances. If you plan on getting a robot mop, this will help you a lot. It reduces scale buildup in steam irons, too.

Home water softeners typically use a process called ion exchange to soften the water. In this process, small resin beads are used to remove the minerals and sediments from the water. The beads are then replaced with new beads when they become saturated.

If you are interested in getting a home water softener, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that you have a compatible water source. Most softeners require hard water, which is water that has a high mineral content. Second, you need to decide what size unit you need. Softeners come in different sizes depending on how much water needs to be softened.

With a water softener for your whole home, you’ll have fewer problems with scale, your water will taste better from the tap, and you’ll feel cleaner whenever you use water.

7. Smart Plug

Smart plugs are a great way to save money on your energy bill by monitoring which appliances are using the most power. With this gadget, you can see how much energy each appliance is using, set schedules, and even turn appliances off remotely using your smartphone. So if you forget to turn off the coffee pot before leaving for work, no problem — just pull up the app and turn it off from wherever you are.

  • Belkin WeMo Insight Switch
  • Philips Hue Wi-Fi Smart Plug
  • GE Jasco Z-Wave Plus Plug In Outlet
  • iDevices Switch

Final Thoughts

There are many different gadgets available that can improve the quality of your life in different ways. Do some research to find out which ones would be most beneficial for you, and start enjoying life more!

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