
Ways to Analyze Search Results

In today’s marketing and business landscape, you’ll need all the data you can get your hands on to get a competitive advantage. One way to gain an edge is to analyze the search results page of a query. This page displays your ranking for a keyword you want to rank in.

This also shows other terms and possible questions that may come in handy when you create content. Experts on search engine optimization from Utah cite the following ways you can mine a search results page for valuable data and insights, which you can use to create the right kind of content.

Review Photos

Some keyword searches yield photos on page one; however, this isn’t always the case because of Google’s natural language processing algorithm. Some queries for nutrition facts provide articles while a search for the nutrition chart will show you a picture.

If your business focuses on visuals such as fashion, you’ll need to optimize for the images you publish on your website. Target search terms that are specific, use the colors, brand name, gender designation and other possible terms your target audience might use.

Look at the ‘People Also Ask’ Section

The People Also Ask part of a results page is a gold mine for insights. This shows other terms and queries people view whenever they land on the results page you are browsing. These related questions and answers provide you with information about the intent of a searcher and what their potential actions might be.

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If you think you are unable to rank for the keywords you want, the People Also Ask feature provides you with other terms related to it. This enables you to create content that can answer these questions minus the heavy competition. Provide specific details and calls-to-action to lead a visitor further down the sales funnel.

The Knowledge Graph

This graph displays essential information such as the name of a company, a short description, a few contact details and others. This small section provides more than enough info for a potential customer to make a call, send an email or make a quick purchase.

Look at all the posts on the first page; these provide you with insights as to what kind of posts will land you their ranking. The knowledge graph also allows you to determine the nature of a user’s intent whether they want to make a transaction or is just looking for information.

This enables you to find the right combination of long-tail terms and types of content to produce and optimize.

Analyzing the results page allows you to understand the intention of users who use certain keywords. Determine the factors that led to the success of the websites that landed on the first page by browsing their site, identifying the keywords they use and the audience they target.

You don’t have to re-invent the wheel to succeed. Customize the strategies used by successful competitors and make it your own. The right type of content, long-tail keywords and topic allow the right audience to find you.

If you solve their problems or answer their queries definitively, you’ll convert at a higher rate than before.

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