Interview with employee

Pointers for Measuring Employee Engagement

Employers measure employee engagement best through surveys. Don’t think that handing out a twenty-page questionnaire solves the problem, though. How you perform these surveys has a direct impact on the efficiency of your response.

You could be making mistakes that jeopardize the results you get. Inaccurate results mean that any action plan you take can worsen the situation.

Identifying these errors in your surveys will mean the difference in your employee engagement. It could be that all your survey needs are a little tweak to solve problems you’ve been having for a while now.

Wrong Items in Your Survey

There are many misconceptions about employee engagement. While happiness and satisfaction are essential to it, they’re not the primary determinants. Employees can display both and be only minimally engaged with your company.

It’s best to remember that what you’re measuring is your relationship with your employees. This means you need to know how they feel about the work culture, management, and company values to make that relationship work.

A well-tailored survey, for example, will tell you if your lifestyle benefits have a positive impact or if changes are due. This is especially true for parents since they are more likely to make crucial job decisions based on the wellbeing of their children. A customized survey reveals any improvement you can make in your work culture and management to support this demographic.

Take the time to brainstorm questions based on these essentials. The better your content, the higher your chances of getting insightful results.

No Long Term Plan

Engagement changes and fluctuates. A well-engaged employee today can encounter problems next month. Left unmonitored, the situation might deteriorate and lead to unproductivity, even resignation.

Think of measuring employee engagement as a long-term commitment. You need to create a schedule to see whether the changes you put in place works or if certain seasons in your company affect employee engagement.

A one-time survey is never enough. Treat it with the same care you treat your finances. This is the only way to determine whether your efforts pay off and what improvements are worth investing more on. Through this, you’ll also track all kinds of growth in the company and leave valuable information to those who will succeed you.

Acting Alone


Employer looking at papers

Even a quality survey loses its benefits when not acted on by the right people. Make it a part of your leadership culture to share these insights with your managers and team leaders.

Cultivate in them a mindset that the results present an opportunity for improvement. No one should negatively take them. After all, whatever changes you plan to make should start with the company’s leadership.

People in higher positions need to practice flexibility and open-mindedness to adapt to the changing climate at work. When you establish a consistent and efficient means to translate data into an action plan, you enable your leaders to handle employee engagement at their respective levels.

Doing this makes it easier to manage future problems that arise and guarantees a more effective way of dealing with them.

Employee engagement is the key to solving many of the issues that arise in your company. It impacts your profitability, customer experience, growth, and so much more. Creating a comprehensive plan for measuring employee engagement and acting on the results is a must for every business. The biggest mistake you can make as a leader is to take this matter lightly.

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